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6v6 Indoor Volleyball (Men)

Gender/Player Requirements

Mens Leagues: All players on the court must be male. Minimum of 4 players must be on the court at all times.

Teams can play with 4 or more players without being forced to forfeit (provided gender requirements are satisfied). Teams unable to satisfy gender requirements and/or teams with 3 or less players will be forced to forfeit the game and a score of 25-0 will be given to the opposing team for all three sets.

Teams arriving late

Teams are asked to arrive 10 minutes prior to their scheduled game. If a team does not satisfy the gender/player requirements 10 minutes after their game is scheduled to begin, the first set is forfeited. After 20 minutes, the second set is forfeited. After 30 minutes, the third set is forfeited. Each forfeited set will be recorded as 25-0 in favor of the opposing team.


  • Rally scoring is used, meaning a point is awarded on every rally, regardless of which team served.
  • Matches are played in a best-of-three sets format, with the first team to win two sets winning the match.
  • Each set is played to 25 points, with a two-point advantage required to win the set. Please note that all sets will be capped at 27 points.


  • f there is a change in possession after winning a rally and earning a point, the serving team rotates clockwise.
  • Players must maintain their rotation order throughout the set.
  • Lower divisions may be subject to a five serve mercy rule which forces teams to rotate after scoring five consecutive points. (5 serve rule)


  • The server must stand behind the end line and serve the ball over the net into the opposing team's court.
  • The serve must be performed within 8 seconds after the referee's whistle.
  • If the server commits a fault, such as serving out of bounds or into the net, it results in a point for the opposing team.
  • Only one toss or release of the ball is allowed. Dribbling or moving the ball in the hands is permitted.

Ball In Play

  • Each team has a maximum of three hits to return the ball over the net.
  • Players are not allowed to hit the ball twice consecutively (except for blocking).


  • Blocking is the action of stopping or deflecting an attacking ball at the net.
  • Only front-row players are allowed to block.
  • Blockers can reach beyond the net but must not interfere with the opposing team's play.


  • Various faults can occur during play such as:
  • Touching the net
  • Stepping over the centerline
  • Double contact
  • Carrying/lifting the ball
  • Stepping on or over the attack line as a back row player making an attack
  • Committing foot faults while serving
  • Faults result in a point for the opposing team.

Exceptions for double contacts

  • A player is allowed to make a double contact on the first touch after the opposing team serves the ball.
  • A player is also allowed to make a double contact on the first touch after a hard driven ball is sent over the net by the opposing team.
  • A hard driven ball is defined as a ball struck above the height of the net and follows a downwards trajectory from the moment contact is made.

It's important to note that specific leagues or tournaments may have additional rules or modifications tailored to their specific needs.

